Thursday, April 12, 2018

Brunswick, Georgia to Charleston, South Carolina

The Loop continues.  We arrived in Brunswick, Georgia Sunday night at the Brunswick Landing Marina downtown.  We had a nice dinner at Basil Sunday night.  The sushi was great.

We also had crab stuffed salmon and sea bass for dinner

We left Brunswick around 10:30AM Monday morning heading to our anchorage for the night.  Gray skies and calling for rain showers all day.  It was not a pretty day, but we managed.

                                                  Cargo ship on Brunswick waterfront

                                                                    Tugs on the waterfront 

We.entered Buckhead Creek Monday night for our anchorage.  This would position us to be able to cross some shallow spots at Hell Gate Georgia in the morning during the mid-tide.  There were two bald eagles along the creek on our way into the anchorage.  Weather unfortunately very rainy and cloudy.

The anchorage was really nice with a wide, deep creek that was very quiet.  The holding on the bottom was good and the anchor came up pretty clean.   It was a shame the weather was not nice.  These types of spots are wonderful to anchor and relax, maybe fish or put the kayak in for a paddle but the weather just did not cooperate for any of these activities.  It drizzled and was cold to boot.

Tuesday morning was ugly and overcast AGAIN.  We left Buckhead Creek in Georgia going through Hell Gate and onto Thunderbolt, Georgia which is in the Savannah area.  We got into the dock early and were able to catch up on some laundry, cleaning, and quilting.  I am working to finish what I call the “Purple Monster”.  I drafted this pattern several years ago and put the top together, but never got it quilted while we still were in the house.  Working on it on board Southern Style is a little challenging.

                                                      The Purple Monster

Wednesday morning we topped off our fuel tank with about 500 gallons of diesel in Thunderbolt as they had the lowest price for miles.  We left the dock around 8AM and headed to Port Royal Landing in Beaufort, South Carolina. 

                                                  Ship coming up Savannah River behind us

We stayed at Port Royal Landing instead of the downtown docks since we had just spent time in Beaufort on our trip south in the fall.  Just overnighting this time and leaving EARLY, EARLY, EARLY for Charleston on Thursday.  The sunrise was worth getting up at 6AM.  This is from our starboard side of the boat looking out over the Beaufort River and the high-rise bridge.  Lines were off by 6:45AM and we were north bound.


                                        Lady Finger swing bridge coming through Beaufort,SC

                                      This is St. Helena Sound Thursday morning

The tide is low and you can see all the mud and oyster beds.  These are covered with water and not visible at high tide.

    Coming into Charleston about 2:30PM with the Ravenel Bridge in the background.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Safe travels. Hope to see you in Ocracoke!

Mike and Debbie