Sunday, April 22, 2018

Ocracoke to Coinjock, NC to Great Bridge, VA

Southern Style left Ocracoke on Saturday morning around 8 AM.  So sad to be leaving, but hopefully we will be back soon.
Southern Style at docks in Ocracoke 

Ferry in Ocracoke 

Ocracoke Lighthouse

You can see the sounds we crossed on the map

We went north up the Pamilico Sound past Hatteras to our east.  There was a mild head wind and waves on the sound were 1-2 feet on our nose.  We decided to run the day at cruise speed around 20 knots.   The Croatan Sound came next with Roanoke Island and the town of Manteo to our east.

Roanoke Island is known for the English settlement founded by Sir Walter Raleigh and John White in the spring of 1587.  John White was an artist and friend of Sir Walter Raleigh and he along with about 117 settlers established a colony on Roanoke Island.  Relations with the native American Indians were very strained at best; and by late in 1587, John White decided to return to England to gather additonal supplies and settlers for the colony.  He left behind the original settlers as well as his daughter and granddaughter, Virginia Dare, who had been born that first summer.  Virginia was the first English child born in America.  Unfortunately because of weather problems and the break-out of war between England and Spain, White's return to the colony was delayed for 3 years.  When he did return in summer of 1590, there was no one left at the settlement site.  The only clue as to the fate of the people was the word Croatan scratched into the wood of a fence stake.  To this day there are many theories about what happened to the colony, however it remains a mystery.  Every summer the Roanoke Historical Society reenacts the events surrounding the disappearance of the colony.  "The Lost Colony" is a popular attractions for locals and vistors to Roanoke Island.

After passing through Croatan Sound we entered Amlbemarle Sound.  The Albemarle was smooth and we had a nice ride past Kitty Hawk which was to our east.  Once across the sound we continued up the North Carolina Cut to Coinjock, NC.  We tied up at the marina in Coinjock and about 30 minutes after arriving, friends Max and Kathy on Air Time pulled up right behind us in their Meridian 540 pilothouse.  We had cocktails on the back of Southern Style and had dinner together with them at the restaurant there.  Keith and I had the 16oz. prime rib of course.  It did not disappoint.

Coinjock Marina

Air Time right behind Southern Style

Max and Kathy were off Sunday morning heading back to Maryland for the summer.  Keith and I left about an hour after them.  We were not going very far Sunday.  We came out of Coinjock and across the Currituck Sound to Great Bridge, VA.

North Landing Swing Bridge (WE definitely do not fit under this)

We caught the noon opening

Southern Style will have some work done at Great Bridge,VA on her stablizers.  While Keith manages the work on the boat, I am getting a rental car and doing some business and visiting in both Raleigh, NC and Lancaster, PA for the week.  We hope to be back to our trip north with Southern Style by about April 30th.

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