Thursday, August 30, 2018

Gore Bay

After 10 nights at anchor, we left Beardrop on Wednesday morning and cruised to Gore Bay and the marina there.  Wednesday was gray and drizzly all day. 

This was what the day looked like going to Gore Bay
 Gore Bay is just around the near point

Once we got tied up in the marina, I started getting caught up on laundry etc.  It was nice to have plenty of power to run multiple appliances at one time.  In the evening we walked over to the small restaurant by the marina.  It was nothing fancy, but did the job for dinner.

Thursday started cloudy and cool with the temperature in the morning around 55 F.  We stayed on the boat until about 11:00 AM, then decided to put on some sleeves and hike to the lookout above the bay.

The sign at the trail seemed to suggest possible wild animal sightings could occur (I was still looking for bear)

We saw multiple deer, but no bear

Once at the top, the view was very pretty
View of Gore Bay and the marina from the lookout

The jetty break wall with marina to the left in the picture

Close-up of the marina 

This was where we hiked as seen from Southern Style down in the marina

Close-up of the cliff lookout

Thursday evening we walked along the boardwalk to The Inn at Gore Bay and their restaurant, "Live Edge" for dinner.  It was a nice location right on the water.  We saw more deer on the walk back from dinner.  Still no bear (disappointed sigh).


We have one more overnight stay in Canada at the Meldrum Bay Inn & Marina on Friday.  Then Saturday we plan to cruise to Drummond Island and check back into the good old USA (if they will take us back).  It has been a wonderful summer.  The water and anchorages here have been some of the prettiest boating we have ever done, and we have made many new friends both American and Canadian.  We look forward to coming back sometime in the future for another summer in Georgian Bay and the North Channel.

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