Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Harrington Harbor South

Southern Style pulled into Harrington Harbor South on Monday around noon.  It was a very overcast and hazy day.  Not very pretty but the "Bay" was flat and made for a nice ride across from Tilghman Island into Harrington Harbor.  This marina is part of a resort, but it seems things around here do not really get going until Memorial Day.  As we were approaching the marina, we called on the VHF several times on both channel 16 and 9 with no response.  Finally we started pulling up to the fuel dock when someone showed up.  She did not have a clue where we were supposed to be for the several days we had reserved and she had to call the office to find out.  Once she told us where we were to dock, we brought ourselves in and got tied up.  No big deal, but unusual.  The resort is very nice with a marina, pool, small beach area, tennis courts, and a restaurant. The pool was not yet open for the season (really?).  Oh well.

Tuesday the weather was a bit better and I was able to walk around the marina a bit.  I got some pictures of the birds in the marina.  Swallows seem to be abundent here.  Also red winged black birds and ducks.

Swallow on a Dock Line

Red Winged Black Bird


This was the view from the back of Southern Style out through the canal coming into the harbor

Here is Southern Style in the harbor

Captain Keith and I had a very nice dinner at Ketch 22, the restaurant at the resort.  It was nice enough to sit outside for dinner.

View from Ketch 22

The outside bar at Ketch 22

More storms came through during the night.  The wind was pretty strong and we had to make sure all the loose stuff outside on the back deck was secured.  As Captain Keith often says while underway "shit better be stowed".


Unknown said...

I trust that’s a “dirty” martini!

Keith and Gail said...

Yes, it was dirty, and it was good. First one of the season. It was close to 90 degrees that day so it was time to switch from beer to gin.