Sunday, May 20, 2018

Harrington Harbor North

Rain, rain, go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Last Wednesday we headed just 4 miles north to Harrington Harbor North which is a LARGE boat yard and marina.  Nice facilities for boats and boat work.  The weather was just terrible.  Rain and overcast from Wednesday through Saturday.  Spent most of the days inside the boat doing cleaning, laundry etc.  

Keith coming down the dock in the rain

Keith and I did leave Maryland on Saturday morning and drove to Wilmington, NC for a wedding.

View from our hotel window of Tug going up the Cape Fear River in North Carloina

Here is a large ship also going past on the river

 Close friends of ours Larry and Lori were married in downtown Wilmington, NC on Saturday evening in a beautiful ceremony.  The venue was great and the dinner fantastic.  We got to see some old friends from Wrightsville Beach which was a treat.  Congratulations to Larry and Lori.  We are so happy for you.

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Strother

Sunday, Keith and I drove back to Maryland and the weather finally cleared up.  We thought we had forgotten what the sun looked like.  We also had to have an old staple before leaving North Carolina.

  (Smithfield Chicken and BBQ)

Once we got back to the boat, Keith changed the oil on Southern Style’s engines, and I ran some errands with the car we had.  Friends and stalkers (inside joke) Max and Kathy were so kind to lend us their car to drive to the wedding.  Pengi even met a new furry friend in Max and Kathy’s car.

Pengi and Friend

Our ride for the weekend to go to the Wedding (Thanks so much Max and Kathy)

Oil changed with 24 gallons of new oil in; 24 gallons old oil out

This coming week looks better in the weather department and we are heading across the “Bay” to Bay Bridge Marina.  There we will spend several days with friends Pete and Rachel Ferrara.  Golf, socializing, and a Blue Angels Show are in the plans.  We can't wait.

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