Friday, August 3, 2018

Anchored in Snug Harbour

Thursday August, 2nd we left Parry Sound as the weather cleared up and headed to Snug Harbour.  Several people had mentioned that the restaurant (Gilly's) there was really good.  They said we could not get Southern Style into the restaurant as it was too shallow and their docks were only for small boats, however, we could anchor nearby and take our dinghy over.  So off we went.  Upon arriving at the anchorage some locals had told us about, we found several other boats and not enough room.  It was pretty tight in there.  Instead we went around the corner and anchored off the main channel.  It was not as protected, but did okay for us to get the dinghy down and go across the way for lunch.

This is Gilly's; the restaurant that was recommended (backside)

Front of Gilly's

Although we got a little damp from the dinghy ride over, it was well worth the trip.  The food was delicious.  I had a tomato salad appetizer that was wonderful and Captain Keith's fish and chips was also good.  I also had a salad with their smoked fish on top.  The smoked fish was so good that we headed to little store underneath the restaurant where we were able to purchase some more of the smoked salmon.  Excellent!

Also during our lunch we struck up a conversation with the family at the table beside us,  Doug, Rosemary, and their daughter Kate.  Turns out they had a cottage just around the corner from the restaurant.  We had told them about the anchorage recommend to us was not suitable and they said to come anchor by their cottage on "The Point".  They told us it was well protected and had plenty of water.  So we went back to Southern Style, pulled the anchor and headed over to the cove and their cottage.  They even came and told us where to drop anchor when we got in front of their cottage.  It was more protected than where we were.  Doug, Rosemary, and Kate came to visit, had a drink, and took a tour of the boat later in the afternoon on Thursday.

Doug and Rose's cottage "The Point"  from the kayak

View from the drone

Southern Style out in the cove in front of "The Point"

Doug and Rosemary invited us to come for a cocktail at their cottage on Friday.   It turned out they had us to their cottage for the afternoon and even took us for a boat ride on their Seadoo jet boat out to Snake Island and Red Rock Lighthouse.

Snake Island

Red Rock Lighthouse (about 5 miles off the coast of Snug Harbour)
Although now automated, there was time when the light keeper and his family lived here full time.
Complete with heliport on top.

Tucker, their cocker spaniel, enjoying the boat ride watching for shallow rocks

We all just made it back to their cottage before a storm blew in, so Keith and I made a B-line to Southern Style to shut doors and windows and batten down the hatches.  It sure did blow and for a little while we thought we might be drifting toward shallow water (aka ROCKS!!!).  Luckily the anchor held and all was well.  Doug and Rose had asked us to dinner and since we were rained out of going back to Gilly's and we unabashedly took them up on their offer.   Kabobs, potato salad, Barb's famous deviled egg's (Barb is Doug's mom), and scalloped potatoes.  To top it all off Rose made "Smores" with ice cream and whipped cream for desert.   They are such fun and just all round great people.  Doug's parents Barb and Owen were there for dinner as well as their oldest daughter Brandy and her husband Julian.  What a great family.  We had an almost instant connection.  They told us all about the area, and also what it is like in the winter there in Snug Harbour.  It is fascinating to think that the lighthouse we boated to that afternoon, is completely surrounded by frozen water for miles in the winter.  They showed us pictures of the family on their sleds (snowmobiles) at the lighthouse.
Southern Style in the cove at Snug Harbour

Snug Harbour Lighthouse as seen from my kayak

The cove from the kayak

These are lichens on some of the pink granite that is very plentiful in this area of Northern Ontario
I am still amazed to think these rocks are billions of years old and were once miles below the surface of the earth.

Sunset Thursday evening

Doug, Rose, daughter Kate driving, Julian and Owen in their jet boat

We really hit it off with Doug, Rose and their family.  We hope they can meet up with us and spend some time on Southern Style this winter in Florida.  Making new friends and memories like we did in Snug Harbour with Doug and Rose is the highlight of our trip so far.  They are really special people that we hope to have a friendship with for many years to come.

1 comment:

Hoovers said...

Hi guys we have been following your blogs very interesting you are doing a great job with your blogs keep up the good work. This is the deviled egg Barb & that was very nice what you said about our family & the feeling is mutual . Have a safe trip enjoy hope weather stays good for you.Have a great time. Hope to see you in Florida we will try & find you.
Cheers deviled egg lady👍😊