Sunday, October 14, 2018

One Year Aboard

For best efferct; view this blog entry while listening to Darius Rucker's song Southern Style.

It is October 14th, 2018 and it has been exactly one year since I moved on board Southern Style full time.  What a year it has been.  Keith and I have seen and experienced so many things this past year.  From spending time before heading south for the winter in what is still our favorite spot, Ocracoke Island, NC

Ocracoke Light

To wintering in Florida

And then making our way north up the East Coast

There were sunny days

And there were foggy days

And there were trying days

We had old friends visit ( the Terrys and the Toneys)

Captain Pete, Rachel, Wynn and Nancy

Captains Dave and Keith

Brad and Captain Keith

We caught up with some of the  family

We visited with friends along the way (Jeff and Barbara)

Tom and Jen

And we made new friends (Rob and Glenda)

Rose, Doug and family

We spent time in fresh water that was clear

and fresh water that was not

We saw open water

We squeezed through narrow water

And we saw locks and canals of all kinds.

Sometimes we were docked

And sometimes we were anchored

There was eating on board

There was eating out

And of course catching our own meals.

And our methods of transportation varied from boat

to rental car 

to borrowed car (thanks Max and Cathy)

to kayak

to bike

to horse drawn carriage.

The wildlife was really cool even if we did not see a wild bear.

We celebrated milestones with friends
Congratulations Commador Ray Batt

Congratulations Lacey and Davis

And Keith and I celebrated our silver wedding anniversary

Yes it has been quite a year.   It is a year we would not trade for anything, and we never forget how very fortunate we are to be able to have this experience.  Without the help and support of many people particularly, our parents and families, this would not have been possible.  There are also our good friends, some boaters and some land-lubbers, who have always encouraged us, been there to talk us off the ledge by phone when times are tough.  Probably the most difficult part of a journey like ours, is being away from family and friends so much of the time.  But we do our best to keep in touch and all good things sometimes require sacrifices .  Yes it has been quite a year.  We can not wait to see what the next year holds for our adventures.

1 comment:

PBF said...

It has been great fun to follow along the past year (and a chance to visit with you in route). Great pictures, great stories! We look forward to your further adventures aboard Southern Style.

See you back in the Sunshine State soon!

Pete & Rachel